Friday, November 30, 2012

Off Season workouts with Team Trinity!

Golfers are typically known for their lack of athleticism and Hawaiian shirts! Whilst this has changed a lot in recent years, in large part to Tiger Woods and his fitness routine, there is still the common perception that golfers aren't great athletes.

This program and the players I have are the complete opposite of that.
They are true athletes in every sense of the word!

I was trying to plan these Off-Season workouts and trying to find something that would test every level of their fitness whilst being something different & interesting.

As such I decided to test the waters and try out MMA training with Brandon Quick & Team Trinity!
The MMA guys/girls are quick, strong, agile, powerful and aerobically we get to learn and try something that we never have or be inclined to try out otherwise........Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu!

The biggest benefit to this training, much like any other serious training, is toughness. Mental toughness. 
The training we have been doing is brutally tough on the body but most of all on the mind. If we can fight through the pain & sweat of these workouts, how much tougher are we going to come out the other side!

Mental toughness is truly earned.

The teams have enjoyed being worked out harder than ever before and we know it will pay dividends on the links and in life in the future.

If you would like to know more about Brandon and all that he has to offer, here is his website.

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